3 Ways That You Can Take Control of Your Indoor Air Quality This Winter

Today’s homes in Hampstead, North Carolina, are often well-sealed to conserve energy. While your winter energy costs may be more manageable, your home’s indoor air quality could be worse when the air exchange rate between the indoors and outdoors is low. Learn several ways you can take control of your home’s indoor air quality this winter.

Change the Air Filter in Your Furnace

The air filter in the furnace captures dust, debris and other pollutants. As these pollutants accumulate on the filter, they prevent it from working correctly. As a result, dust and debris that would ordinarily get filtered out recirculates back into your home. These indoor pollutants can be especially problematic for members of your household with allergies or asthma.

By regularly changing the air filter, you can reduce the amount of allergens entering the air. You’ll also help to keep your HVAC system functioning efficiently.

Use Natural Cleaning Solutions

Many household products can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) after manufacture. VOCs, which you can find in concentrations up to 10 times higher indoors than outdoors, include commercial home cleaning scrubs, sprays and cleansers. These products may cause both short- and long-term health effects. Reduce your household’s exposure to harmful VOCs by using natural cleaning solutions, such as baking soda and vinegar.

Add Air-Filtering Houseplants to Your Home Decor

Consider adding a few air-filtering houseplants throughout your home. A National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) study reported that many types of common houseplants can remove harmful pollutants from indoor air. Houseplants such as the bamboo palm, peace lily, English ivy, dracaena, and spider plant are among some of the most effective air-filtering plants. According to NASA research, these plants absorb harmful VOCs and other gases, such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

In addition to these strategies, we can also help improve your home’s indoor air quality with add-ons for your HVAC system. To learn more, contact Pleasant Air Inc. today.

Image provided by iStock

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