3 Things That Can Affect Indoor Air Quality This Winter
Winter brings frigid temperatures, icy winds and dry air to Hampstead, North Carolina. You may think that you can escape winter’s worst weather inside your home. However, winter can be taxing on your home’s indoor air. Find out how fireplace particulates, dust and low humidity can affect your indoor air quality this winter.
Fireplace Particulates
To ward off winter’s chill, you turn to your fireplace to deliver warmth and comfort. However, your fireplace can also introduce harmful particulates into your home’s indoor air. Poor ventilation can cause these particulates to accumulate and compromise your home’s indoor air quality.
As you enter and leave your home, your daily activities stir up dust. This dust can cling to your shoes, outerwear and clothing. If you or other family members are sensitive to it, dust can trigger cold-like symptoms such as itchy eyes, a runny nose and a sore throat.
Low Humidity
During the summer, high humidity can make North Carolina a sticky and uncomfortable place due to the high level of moisture in the air. This moisture results in high humidity. As air cools, it holds less moisture than warm air, which causes a drop in humidity levels.
Homes that use forced-air heating systems further this problem because they use combustion to create warm air. This process reduces the amount of water vapor present in the air, which results in low humidity. Low humidity in the home during the winter can produce dry skin and increase susceptibility to colds and other respiratory ailments.
Improve Indoor Air Quality This Winter
You can reduce the number of indoor pollutants by cleaning your home regularly during the winter. When possible, open windows to allow fresh air indoors. Use ventilation fans in bathrooms and kitchens to regulate indoor humidity levels in areas where heat and moisture can build up.
For expert indoor air quality analysis, contact our service techs at Pleasant Air Inc. Call us today at 910-208-4518. We’re happy to help you breathe easier and sleep better inside your home.
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