Where Are the Worst Spots to Install an HVAC Thermostat?
Where you place the HVAC thermostat in your Ogden, NC, home is essential for efficient heating or cooling, making a difference in your comfort level and the cost of your utilities. Here are a few areas you should avoid when installing a new HVAC thermostat:
A Narrow Hallway
Hallways are generally narrow and have less airflow. A thermostat in a hallway won’t produce an accurate reading that reflects the home’s overall temperature. It makes better sense to place the thermostat in a room where you spend most of your time.
Near an Air Vent
Air vents circulate conditioned air throughout the home. It makes sense that you wouldn’t want an HVAC thermostat directly below or above a vent. If your air conditioning is running in the summer and the thermostat is too close to a vent, the device will detect the cool air and cycle off sooner, resulting in a house that’s too warm.
In Direct Sunlight
Don’t position the HVAC thermostat on a wall that receives direct sunlight for several hours a day. The sun’s heat will cause the thermostat to react as though it senses more warmth in the space than there truly is.
Adjacent to the Kitchen
If you enjoy cooking, chances are the kitchen is one of the warmest areas in your home. Kitchen appliances generate heat when in use. Temperatures tend to fluctuate more often in the kitchen, and the thermostat will react accordingly.
Let professional service techs decide the optimal HVAC thermostat location. For many decades, our team of highly trained service techs has made sure our clients are comfortable in their homes and satisfied with our service. If you need a new thermostat or are experiencing inconsistent heating and cooling, contact Pleasant Air Inc. to let our service techs provide the solution.
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