What’s Making My Heat Pump in Hampstead, NC, Freeze Up?

When your heat pump’s components become defective, you’ll notice some unusual signs. Learn more about why your heat pump in Hampstead, NC, keeps freezing up.

Airflow Issues

Your heat pump has a filter that traps the contaminants to improve indoor air quality and help your system run at its best. By cleaning the air, the filter also ensures the components remain clean.

However, the filter needs regular replacement to continue carrying out its duties efficiently. If you fail to replace the filter often, the impurities clog it and block air from entering the heat pump. If the system doesn’t get enough warm air, the moisture on the evaporator coil freezes.

Dirty Evaporator Coil

When you need your heat pump to cool your living space, the refrigerant draws heat from the indoor air through the evaporator coil. If the coil is dirty, the refrigerant can’t draw enough heat because the impurities create a layer that hinders heat exchange.

If the refrigerant doesn’t absorb sufficient heat to warm the evaporator coil, the coil freezes. Schedule maintenance services to have our service techs clean the coil.

Refrigerant Leaks

Several issues can damage the refrigerant lines inside your heat pump, including mechanical vibration, poor installation, and natural wear and tear. When the refrigerant leaks, your evaporator coil may freeze because the little refrigerant left can’t draw enough heat.

Faulty Blower Motor

After warm air from your living space enters your heat pump during the cooling season, a fan blows it over the evaporator coil. A blower motor rotates this fan. When this motor malfunctions, the fan fails to blow warm air over the evaporator coil; hence, the coil freezes.

A frozen evaporator coil reduces your heat pump’s ability to regulate temperatures. With this in mind, you should have our service techs resolve the problem as soon as possible to enhance your family’s comfort. Call the air conditioning experts at Pleasant Air Inc. when you notice your heat pump freezing up.

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