4 Steps to Extending the Lifespan of Your Heat Pump in Hampstead, NC
Like other devices, your heat pump will last longer with proper care and maintenance. A heat pump’s lifespan depends on several factors like overall quality, but you can directly control some factors. From replacing air filters to regular maintenance, discover ways to make your heat pump in Hampstead, NC, last longer.
Replace HVAC Air Filters
Regularly replacing HVAC air filters can significantly extend your heat pump’s lifespan. It prevents contaminants like dust and pollen from entering your system, which could damage some components. It’s advisable to change air filters at least every month if you have pets to allow proper airflow through your HVAC system.
Hire Licensed Professionals for Repairs
If you need heat pump repairs, ensure that you hire a licensed and certified service technician. If you execute the repairs wrongly, it can lead to future problems, void the heat pump’s warranty and reduce its lifespan. Promptly repairing your system can significantly increase its lifespan rather than postponing repairs or waiting until the it breaks down.
Schedule Routine Maintenance
You should schedule maintenance at least annually to keep your system at optimal performance. Seasonal maintenance also helps a service technician discover heat pump issues and fix them before they escalate. A licensed professional can also remedy faulty parts, dirty components and loose screws during routine maintenance.
Adjust the Thermostat
It can be challenging to get your whole family to agree on a specific temperature. Keeping the thermostat consistent can help to extend your heat pump’s lifespan. You can also install a programmable thermostat to dial the temperature a few degrees overnight. As a result, you’ll reduce strain on your system.
Use these simple tricks to make your heat pump last longer and avoid unnecessary replacements. We have fully licensed and experienced professionals for heat pump repairs, tuneups and tips to extend the system’s lifespan. Call Pleasant Air Inc. today for any questions and to schedule a professional installation.
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