3 Signs Your Ducts Need Cleaning in Wilmington, NC

Ducts function like the arteries of a central HVAC system, transporting treated air to the various parts of a building. That makes it especially important for homeowners in Wilmington, NC, to ensure their HVAC ducts are clean and in good shape. The following are three significant signs your HVAC ducts need cleaning:

Dusty Home

Your HVAC system shouldn’t bring dust into your home during normal operations. The opposite should happen since your system comes with air filters that aim to remove airborne pollutants. However, your ducts might be so dirty that flowing air always spreads some of that dirt.

High Utility Bills

If you’ve installed your HVAC system at any time in the past few years and have been supplying it with regular maintenance and repairs, it should still function rather efficiently. If you don’t suddenly ramp up your use of the system, there certainly shouldn’t be any massive increases in your utility bills. If your bills do skyrocket, though, it’s a guarantee that something is deeply wrong.

One explanation is that your ducts have become severely clogged with debris, blocking airflow. If your system can’t circulate air properly, it won’t be able to cool your home in line with the instructions from your thermostat. This can then push your system into overdrive and cause it to consume unusually high amounts of energy.

Dirty ducts are far from the only things that might lead to spiking utility bills. Still, this indicates that it’s probably time for a cleaning.

Rodents or Insects

If you hear or see rodents or insects crawling through your ductwork, you should immediately schedule a cleaning for your ducts. The same goes if the smell of a dead animal is coming from your ducts. This means that things have probably become horrendously filthy there.

It’s just as important to care for your ducts as it is to maintain your air conditioner or furnace. Call Pleasant Air, Inc. to request a duct cleaning services in or around Wilmington, NC, today.

Image provided by iStock

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