Replace Your HVAC Thermostat to Enjoy These 3 Benefits
You can think of your thermostat as the nerve center of your home’s HVAC system. Since this device controls just about every aspect of an HVAC system’s functioning, using an outdated one has costs, while installing a new one can bring significant benefits. Here are three benefits that you can reap from upgrading your HVAC thermostat in Surf City, NC:
Save On Your Energy Bills
A newer HVAC thermostat is nearly always a more energy-efficient one. This is especially true when comparing a manual thermostat to a programmable or smart model.
You can program the latter to achieve a certain temperature and work only at certain specific times. Simply resetting your thermostat when you’re away from home or going to sleep can save you as much as 10% on your energy bills.
Extend the Life of Your HVAC System
You can easily direct any newer thermostat to keep your house at a steady temperature, which greatly reduces the need for your HVAC system to suddenly pump large amounts of either hot or cold air into your home. This, in turn, means that your HVAC system can last longer because it will be subject to less wear and tear.
Automation Makes Things Easier
Manual thermostats typically only give you the option to turn them on or off. So, to keep your home consistently at the right temperature, you’ll likely have to fiddle with them quite often.
New smart thermostats let you set the internal temperature of your home to your liking, automatically turning on or off whenever the temperature is too low or too high. They can also provide you with critical information about your HVAC system, particularly about problem areas. For example, they can alert you to the need for maintenance or repairs before an issue worsens.
Our professionals are all about keeping the air inside your home at the ideal temperature. To reap the benefits of a new thermostat or schedule other HVAC services in Surf City, NC, give Pleasant Air Inc. a call today.
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