How Often Should I Change My Air Filters
Wow. This could easily be the #1 question of all time and the answers you may have received in the past, were probably something like: once a month, once every three months or even longer in between, with a certain type of air filter.
While those people were well intentioned, and that answer was probably correct in most situations, the fact of the matter is this: There is no common time frame that meets or serves the needs of all homes and lifestyles, especially when you are using a basic air filter.
You can start by checking your filter after one month. If its dirty then replace it. If not, then check it again in 2 weeks. Continue this process until your filter needs replaced. Use this as a guide as to just how often that you will need to install a new filter.
You may have a pet that just can’t wait until tomorrow let alone next month, to share a little more of their furry coat with you.
There are a number of types available from basic fiberglass to high density pollen and allergy filters. Sometimes the higher density filters may restrict the air flow that your system needs to properly operate and may cause unhealthy conditions within your home. One early indicator of this could be an increase in your energy bill.
If you have health related issues that require you to have a special filtration system call us today to schedule a complimentary evaluation.
Pleasant Air specializes in providing you with an air filtration system that will best suit your needs and assure you of a healthier indoor environment.