Duct Cleaning – Do You Need It?

Thinking about Cleaning Your Ducts?

Are you thinking about having your ducts cleaned?   Are you hoping to improve your indoor air quality (IAQ)?

It is estimated that 40 pounds of dust is generated by the average family in a 6 room home – duct cleaning can certainly help remove these dirt and allergens.

Pleasant Air uses a Rotobrush system to effectively clean your dirty ductwork. Check out just how it works by clicking here.

However, we want our homeowners to be aware that a thorough inspection of your ducts prior to cleaning may uncover a bigger problem.

In a typical house about 20 to 30 percent of the air that moves through the duct system is lost due to leaks, holes, and poorly connected ducts. If you are looking for a more permanent solution to your IAQ – duct sealing may be for you.

By sealing your ductwork you can limit the areas that allow dust, pollen, or mold into your home and insure a much cleaner & healthier environment.

Re-taping and applying mastic to leaky joints can be very costly due to the amount of labor involved. And then there is the issue that not all of the ductwork is easily accessible if accessible at all.

Pleasant Air uses a patented system that seals your ductwork from the inside of the ductwork there by sealing almost 100% of the leaks. It is called Aeroseal.

Most ductwork can be sealed in about 4 hours. This makes the application both cost effective and a very wise energy saving investment.

How does Aeroseal Work?

Aeroseal is a patented breakthrough technology that tackles duct leaks from the inside out. The Aeroseal process puts escaping air under pressure and causes polymer particles to stick first to the edges of a leak, then to each other until the leak is completely sealed.

Breaking down the process & how Aeroseal works

From preparation to pretesting your ductwork all the way to handing you your Aeroseal certificate.

1. Prepare Your System

Plugging your registers with foam forces the air in your duct work to escape through leaks. By forcing air to escape through leaks we are able to pretest your duct system and begin the duct sealing process.

How Aeroseal Works: Preparing your System

A small access hole is cut into the supply or return and a temporary collar is attached. The air conditioning indoor coil, fan, and furnace are temporarily blocked with a foam plug to prevent sealant particles from entering this part of your system.

How Aeroseal Works: Attaching the Collar

The next step of the process is to pretest and inject non-toxic sealant into your duct work. The pretest measures exactly how much duct leakage your system has in square inches and also calculates just how much air is escaping through leaks in your duct work.

2. Pretest Your Ductwork

Once the system is properly prepped the Aeroseal machine is connected to the duct work using lay flat tubing.

How Aeroseal Works: Pretesting your Ductwork

The Air Duct Diagnostic pretest will detect the exact amount of duct leakage in the duct system – the typical duct leakage detected in a home is between 30-40%.

Next, the non-toxic, UL tested and approved, aerosol sealant is injected into your duct system. As the sealant exits your ductwork through leaks it begins to collect on the edge of the hole until the leak is completely sealed. Aeroseal can seal leaks up to 5/8ths of an inch.

3. Seal Your Ductwork

Small aerosol particles are injected and kept suspended in the airflow by continuous air movement.

How Aeroseal Works: Sealing your Ductwork

The aerosol particles begin collecting on the edges of holes and cracks in your duct work and seal your leaky duct work from the inside.  This entire process is computer controlled where you can monitor the results in real time showing you just how effective the Aeroseal process is. Ducts are sealed with only 1 to 2 oz. of sealant material.

4. Review Your Results

A computer generated analysis summarizes your home’s duct leakage reduction providing you with verification of the success of the Aeroseal application.

How Aeroseal Works: Before & After Sealing

Once the process is complete your certified Aeroseal technician will provide you with a printed certificate summarizing your results.

Aeroseal Certificate of Completion

Enjoy Improved Home Comfort & Indoor Air Quality!

Now that you’ve had your ductwork sealed with Aeroseal you can expect to experience increased home comfort, improved indoor air quality, and lower energy bills!

Additional Aeroseal resources may be found at /services/aeroseal-duct-sealing

Call us today at 910-208-4518 or go to our contact page to schedule your complimentary duct inspection to have one of our certified technicians help you improve your Indoor Air Quality.

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