We’re Having an Aeroseal Duct Sealing Special!

Are you a homeowner in Wilmington, North Carolina, who’s interested in saving money on your energy bills? How about improving your indoor air quality and boosting your comfort? If so, you need to take advantage of Aeroseal Duct Sealing. Learn more about how Aeroseal Duct Sealing works and the many benefits you’ll receive from sealing your ductwork with this process.

How Does Aeroseal Duct Sealing Work?

The Aeroseal process is actually very simple. First, we’ll prepare your system by plugging your registers, coil, fan and furnace with foam. This prevents the Aeroseal particles from leaking or entering your actual heating and cooling units.

Next, we’ll pretest your ductwork to detect leakage. This shows exactly how much Aeroseal we need to introduce into your system.

Finally, after we’ve completed the pretest, we’ll introduce Aeroseal particles into your system. We continuously move the air in your system to keep the Aeroseal suspended so that the particles can settle into the cracks in your ductwork.

What are the Benefits of Aeroseal Duct Sealing?

There are three major reasons that you should consider using Aeroseal to seal your home’s ductwork. First, this sealing process can make your home more comfortable. By sealing leaks, you’ll no longer have to deal with temperature differences in different areas of your home. As a result, you won’t have to deal with uncomfortable conditions.

Second, using Aeroseal can help improve the air quality in your home, which is beneficial for homeowners who suffer from allergies and other breathing conditions. Fully sealed ducts mean there will be less dirt and debris in your home’s air, making it easier your family to breathe.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, sealing your ductwork with Aeroseal can drastically lower your energy bills. Without leaks in your ducts, your heating and cooling system will work at its optimal capacity. As a result, you’ll save a good deal of money.

If you’re ready for a more comfortable home and lower energy bills, take advantage of Pleasant Air Inc.’s Aeroseal Duct Sealing Special. Schedule service today by calling 910-208-4518.

Image provided by Bigstock

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